What is Carpal Tunnel?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on your median nerve. This nerve gives you feeling in your thumb and all your fingers except for your pinky. When it goes through your wrist, it passes through the carpal tunnel — a narrow path that’s made of bone and ligament. If you get any swelling in your wrist, this tunnel gets squeezed and pinches your median nerve, which causes your symptoms.
Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel
- Fingers feel swollen
- Pain and tingling travel up your forearm to your shoulder
- “Shocks” come and go in your thumb and fingers
- Weakness in hand or wrist
- Harder to make a fist
- Hard time working with small objects such as buttons
Causes of Carpal Tunnel
- Repetitive movement
- Repeated use of vibrating hand tools
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Trauma
- A cyst or tumor in the carpal tunnel
- Any kind of swelling or inflammation around the tendons
Carpal Tunnel Solutions in NJ
Here at Performance Ortho, we have many options to treat your carpal tunnel, including non-surgical and surgical.
Carpal Tunnel Non-Surgical Solutions in NJ
Why Choose Performance Ortho?
Whether you are suffering from a recent or chronic (cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine) condition that is adversely affecting your ability to live life under your terms, our Back Pain Specialists can help you today. To have a consultation with one of our doctors, please contact one of our Patiet Care Coordinators at 908-754-1960.