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Injury Prevention Tips for Baseball Players and Coaches

Injury Prevention Tips for Baseball Players and Coaches

Injury Prevention Tips for Baseball Players and Coaches

The warmer weather is here and baseball season is upon us. As with any sport or athletic activity, you are always at risk for injury. Injuries are a serious matter whenever they occur, but even more so if they are preventable. According to the Center for Disease Control, half of all sports-related injuries are preventable.

The most common baseball injuries include mild soft tissue injuries such as muscle pulls (strains), ligament injuries (sprains), cuts, and contusions (bruises). The most serious injuries are due to contact with a ball, bat, or another player. The repetitive nature of the sport can also cause overuse injuries to the shoulder and elbow.

Here are a few tips to help avoid injury during this baseball season whether you are a coach or a player.

For Coaches:

  • Be familiar with first aid. Be able to recognize and treat the most common injuries and be able to administer basic first aid for minor injuries.
  • Know the baseball field and be familiar with the area including knowing where a telephone or a cardiac defibrillator is.
  • Be prepared for emergency situations. Have a plan to reach medical personnel for help and have a list of emergency contacts for your players.
  • Follow the rules. Encourage safe and appropriate play.

For Players:

  • It is always a great idea to get a physical exam prior to the start of the season. The goal of the physical is to prevent any injuries or illnesses by identifying medical problems such as asthma, allergies, heart, or orthopedic conditions.
  • Warm up and stretch!
  • Make sure all equipment fits and is worn properly.
  • Always wear a batting helmet at the plate and when you are “on deck” waiting to bat.
  • Wear baseball shoes that fit properly and have the appropriate cleats.
  • Over 50% of injuries from baseball are due to overuse. The act of throwing a baseball is unnatural and places a lot of strain on the arm. Limiting the amount of playtime is key to avoid overuse injuries. Simply, don’t over do it.

We understand the world of baseball here at Performance Ortho. Many of us are sports lovers and our own Dr. Spiaggia sponsors a local youth baseball team.

If you or your child has suffered a sports or athletic related injury, contact us for an appointment. We offer a variety of services including: physical medicine and rehabilitation, physical therapy and more.